Saturday, May 2, 2015

On the Fact that the Roosevelt Administration Sent Agents to South America, Kidnapped Japanese Citizens of South American Countries, Brought Them Back to the U.S.A., Charged Them with "Illegal Entry" (I Shit You Not), and then Interned Them Indefinitely with Zero Charges

And the left makes a big stink now about Guantanamo Bay (and, no, I'm not a big supporter of that place by any stretch, either).......I mean, can you even begin to imagine if Bush had pulled a stunt like this after 9/11; rounding up Muslims and putting them into camps? The dude would have been crucified (instead of supported as the shameless media did with FDR - Walter Lippmann, for example)..............................................................................................Sources; "Infamy" by Richard Reeves and "The Train to Crystal City" by Jan Jarboe Russell....Check them out, my progressive friends. Learn about your hero.


  1. Assuming FDR lied (which I think you have alleged, how many died?

    Implying that rhyme here.

  2. I'm not sure how many died while in custody. I'd have to research that.

  3. It is good society occasionally makes the attempt to move forward.

    Unless one is a reactionary rightwing conservative that wants to turn the hands of time back 200 years ot so.

  4. ...or a leftwing liberal who wants to brings us into a "brave new world"

  5. Personally I think we should be driving Flintstone cars and chowing on Brontosaurus ribs.


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