Sunday, May 17, 2015

On the Fact that the Proportion of Blacks in Professional and Other High Level Occupations Rose Substantially in the Years Following Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

It's true, but what the statists refuse to mention (either through ignorance or deception) is that the proportion of blacks in these occupations rose even more rapidly in the years PRECEDING passage of the act (I cite specifically Daniel Patrick Moynihan's seminal piece, "Employment, Income, and the Ordeal of the Negro Family").......So typical of government. Jump to the head of the parade and then brag to everybody that they started it.................................................................................................P.S. And, no, this is not in any way an argument against the civil rights agenda. As I've stated before, I support 80% of the Civil Rights Act (only the part pertaining to private associations I've objected to) and the entirety of the Voting Rights Act. There are certain things that the government can and should do and this is one of them,.

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