Saturday, May 23, 2015

On the Fact that Black Liberals Seem to be Far More Offended by the Opinions of Black Conservatives than They Do by the Destructive Behavior of Black Criminals and Blacks Who Act Buffoonish (the Lady Who Bathes in Milk and Fruit Loops, for Example)

Yeah, this is a huge problem in the black community; the fact they seem to possess a) a bevy of litmus tests, b) a strong propensity to group-think, and c) a burning desire to please their white liberal masters. These people always say that they want to have a conversation on race but if you're going to call every white person who you disagree with a racist and every black person who you disagree with (whether it be Charles Barkley, David Webb, Thomas Sowell, or Ben Carson) an Uncle Tom, you're probably not going to get a lot of takers.......and deep down that is probably kosher with them.


  1. Toure bashed Dr. Carson, too (a person who has accomplished more in his life than Toure could in 100 of his lifetimes).

  2. Was Toure's criticism of Carson also skin-color based?

  3. Wow. He got rightfully raked over the coals for going all Klan on Cain... and he still keeps doing it to others?

  4. Essentially called him an Uncle Tom and a token.

  5. Two terms typically only used as racist insults.

    Was he still on MSNBC when he was spewing this hate?


  6. Toure should worry more about paying his own taxes.

  7. Carson, a fine neurosurgeon and decent human being with somewhat outdated political beliefs. His religionists views and his stance on the Establishment Clause is troubling. But he is in step with the religious right GOP. Meanwhile the nation moves on...

  8. Carson unfortunately showed how out of touch and/or untested that he is when he said that homosexuality was a choice.

  9. I was directed over here from the link at "Rational Nation".

    I see that yet again, "Rational Nation USA" is criticizing Carson's views on rational grounds. And not taking the view of the racist wing of the left (the "GOP black best friend" claimants) that Carson is to be cut down first and foremost for his race.

    Good going, RN. Stay to the high ground.

  10. Will: Carson is a "socon", as RN says.

    However, the main thing MSNBC, Toure, and the rest of racist Left will use as a criticism is him being black.

    (* I include MSNBC as being in the racist Left. for sure. They actually bashed a major politician for having a multi-racial family. Racial purity is a big deal to hardcore racists. Their "journalists" also routinely sling racial epithets.)


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