Tuesday, May 26, 2015

On the Fact that Ben Carson Will Probably Get Far More Criticism from the Black Liberal Establishment Simply for Having a Contrary Political Opinion than the Bloods and the Crips Will for Literally Killing Hundreds of Black People Every Fucking Year

Yeah, probably not the best strategy moving forward. 


  1. Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby aren't political organizations and they both got crucified by the black leftists, JUST FOR HAVING AN OPINION.

  2. Yeah, It's a brutal political environment these days. But then again extremes politically always seem to crucify their opponents within.

    Carson will indeed face stiff criticism. Both from the left as well as reasonable and more centrist conservatives and libertarians.

  3. But it is unfortunate that the progressive left will bash him mainly for being black.

  4. Also also RN, about "Carson will indeed face stiff criticism."

    I would hope that any man or women who runs from the office faces this. It's an important post.


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