Friday, May 22, 2015

On the Fact that 33 Citizens of Baltimore (Most of Them Black) Have Been Murdered (Mostly by Other Blacks) Since the Freddie Gray Incident

And Sharpton and Jackson are where?


  1. On top of that, Sharpton is part of the explicitly racist "Black Lives Matter" movement. Since the lives of others do not matter.

    Over the past decade, twice as many whites as blacks have been killed by police. Supremacists like Sharpton and Jackson are pretty much silent about that.

    Of course, the best solution is for activists like them to let go of their bigotry and insist, like any decent human being, that "all lives matter", whether black or white.


  2. Chicago and Baltimore....the two most dangerous cities in the U.S. for a black man....because of their own kind,not the cops.

  3. Inner city blacks have a whole host of problems and I'm not entirely sure that racist cops would even make the top 10.......And haven't these cities been run by Democrats for years and years?

  4. Yes, Will. Look at Detroit. The policies of the Left... which have controlled the constantly at least since the early 1970s... forced a massive depopulation of that city.


  5. Quiet Will....never mention that Chicago and Baltimore and throw in Detroit were in the control of liberals for decades...they will someway try to blame the decline of those once prosperous cities on Republicans.

  6. I still like the first Mayor Daley of Chicago 'cause when that dude said, "shoot to kill", he meant it.


  7. Daley was a non-partisan head cracker....remember the Dem's convention?

  8. Rusty: The Republicans, when they have been governor in Michigan, have bent over backwards to bail out or shovel funds to Detroit.

    The famous, world notorious collapse of Detroit happened under the leadership of a Democratic governor, Granholm.

    Under her leadership and largely due to her policies, the state was the only one in the Census to lose population during her years. The state hemorrhaged jobs. The city of Detroit lost people, businesses, institutions, and reputation more under Granholm than in any other era.


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