Wednesday, April 29, 2015

On those Miscreants, Degenerates, and Lunatics Who Burnt Down the Senior Center in Baltimore

It really doesn't get much lower than that, now does it? I mean, what are these schmucks gonna start doing next; pistol-whipping foster-children? Beheading the developmentally-delayed?


  1. Just don't call them "thugs" Will, the libs take exception to that now. Evidently they now say "thug" is equal to the N word.

    In fact some Baltimore city council member insisted they should be called "misguided."

  2. The Baltimore mayor used it and then had to walk it back some. She was right the first time.


  3. Does anything the left finds offensive make any sense at all?

  4. I grew up with "thug" as an entirely non-racial word.

    Still not what to make of its new "black only" meaning. Or where it comes from. It seems as if those who push this "black-only" meaning are taking a step toward equating "black" with "criminal".

  5. I'm sort of liberal, but wanton
    rioting, looting and burning is
    the work of argument here.

  6. They used to call Jimmy Cagney and Edward G. Robinson (their characters at least) thugs.


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