Monday, April 27, 2015

On the Riots Currently Taking Place in Baltimore

Sorry, but I'm having a hard time envisioning Ed Koch or the first Mayor Daley putting up with this crappola.


  1. There is a social disease and decay in American that started many many years befire our time. It has been festering through many generations and has now reached a head. Expect to see more before it gets better.

    In the meantime it will be more police state responses and the right blaming Obama.

    Somehow we've managed to make quite a mess of things.

  2. There is a social disease and decay in American that started many many years befire our time. It has been festering through many generations and has now reached a head. Expect to see more before it gets better.

    In the meantime it will be more police state responses and the right blaming Obama.

    Somehow we've managed to make quite a mess of things.

  3. That's because Koch and Daley would give protestors "space to destroy".

  4. Daley was also famous for saying, "Shoot to kill", I believe.


  5. Could you imagine that shit happening to Frank Rizzo in Philly.

    I feel sorry for the family's who lost their businesses last night because the incompetent mayor ordered the police to stand down.

  6. RN: Cooler heads should prevail. And such are not found in the rioters, nor in the Limbaugh's of the world who are happy such things are happening.

    As for blaming Obama, there is a point to be made in criticizing him, actually. I am considering how black youth poverty has soared under his policies. I remember the destructive job-shedding "stimulus" measures under Obama which were quick to hand out precious Federal dollars to wealthy cronies while ignoring problems such as this. The "stimulus" was just an excuse to enrich friends with corporate welfare while merely claiming it was to help the country.

    Bear with me, RN. I've not been heeding Limbaugh on this. My sources include the hard-left The Progressive

    "As his economic race legacy unfolds, Obama's recovery is worse than the George W. Bush recession for blacks. Overall median household income has fallen over $4,000 since he took office but black Americans have had a decrease in real income of over 11 percent. Unemployment is officially at 14-plus percent for blacks, nearly double that of the overall economy. When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, black unemployment was 12.7 percent. The highest black unemployment rate during Obama's time in office was 16.7 percent in August 2011. During the eight years of Bush black unemployment didn't rise above 13 percent. The rate reached its highest point of the Bush presidency, 12.1 percent, in December 2008.

    Black youth unemployment is more than likely above 50 percent with entry-level drugs sales as their seemingly only viable employment option."

    Obama, personally, and his connected buddies are rolling in millions or billions of Federal dollars. They've got theirs. And yes it does look like he doesn't give a damn about those who haven't made it. Not saying the Republicans do either. But the President's policies have had a major role here, and in a bad way.

    1. I'll have to do some digging to verify veracity of all this. While Obama certainly shoulders some responsibility it is not realistic nor intellectually honest to lay it all at is feet as many on the right like to do.

    2. The Right hasn't helped either.

  7. Reading about the hundreds of millions in federal welfare $$$$ to Baltimore's wealthiest (for stadium construction). Something which Dems and Republicans enthusiastically ram through.

    Imagine if this money had gone instead as tuition vouchers for the youth in Baltimore's most depressed areas....


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