Thursday, April 23, 2015

On Harry Reid Calling the Prospective Republican Presidential Candidates, "A Bunch of Losers"

While I can't say that I necessarily disagree with him (especially if clowns like Huckabee and Santorum enter the race), it would be nice if our so-called political leaders (and, no, that moron, Joe Wilson, who yelled out, "you lie", to Obama ISN'T a leader) occasionally showed some class, honor, discretion, civility, statesmanship, etc., and refrained from such rank partisanship. OCCASIONALLY, I'm saying.


  1. You know that Reid is purely into politics and not honesty.

    If the Republican field were looking to be non neocon, sterling pragmatic honest statesmen and women, he'd insult them the same way.

    And when the Dems are as bad as the Republican field, Reid will still praise those Dems.

  2. Yep, he would probably call Margaret Chase Smith and Millicent Fenwick sluts.

  3. None of this is helpful actually. While what you both say may be true, has it occurred to you that politicians play to their audiences? Perhaps it is time, no, retract that, WAY PAST time to take a look at ourselves as a nation of malcontents.

    Just sayin...


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