Friday, April 10, 2015

On FDR and Wiretapping

Roosevelt repeatedly broke the law (the Supreme Court in Nardone versus the United States ruled that wiretapping by federal law enforcement was unconstitutional) by ordering wiretaps of not just political enemies (Herbert Hoover, Wendell Willkie, Robert McCormick, Joseph Patterson) but friends (Harry Hopkins, Henry Wallace, Arthur Krock, Thomas Corcoran) as well....And it wasn't just the FBI that Roosevelt cut loose on people. The IRS was another of his favorite weapons and, so, too, he used that with impunity (going after everybody from Moses Abnnenberg to Charles Lindbergh to John L. Lewis). The left just loves to beat up on Bush when it comes to civil liberties (and, yes, I've frequently joined them) and, yet, when it comes to a sober analysis of their own damned players (FDR, Wilson, Lincoln, LBJ, etc.), yeah, they seem to shrink from it......................................................................................Sources - Victor Lasky's "It Didn't Start with Watergate", Joseph Perisco's "Roosevelt's Secret War", R.J.C. Burow's "The FDR Tapes", Walter Trohan's "Political Animals", Richard Norton Smith's "The Colonel", and many, many more available upon request.

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