Friday, April 17, 2015

On the Fact that Debbie Wasserman Schultz Still Refuses to Give Her Opinion on Exactly When Life Begins

The reason that she doesn't do this is because even if she gives the moderate position that life begins at viability (my position - not so much derived from science or theology but from pragmatism and a balancing of rights), she would then have to concede that third-term abortions are at the very minimum morally dicey and and at the very maximum murder, and this would fully alienate one of the Democratic party's number one constituencies; radical feminists who advocate abortion on demand.......And we can't have that, now can we?


  1. Maybe she is holding out for more money or something, and can shirk duty with Obama's "above my pay grade" line (in my view, one of Obama's worst "not ready for prime time", callow moments)

    Thanks for the view, Will, that extremes also exist on the "pro-" side as well as the "anti-" side. But of course... you are not a liberal/Democrat. And probably not a fan of the Feingold view of granting special rights to "abortionists" to be able to butcher born Americans as they please.

  2. And then there was that abortion doctor, Gosnell, who was offing live babies left and right (a story that MSNBC wouldn't touch, not surprising).

  3. When life becomes viable outside of the womb without life support abortion should not be an option.

  4. I would make an exception for the life of the mother but that would be it.

  5. Will said: "I would make an exception for the life of the mother but that would be it."

    I think you meant to add to that " (for late-term abortions)", is that correct?

  6. I tried to find a better picture, Russ, but it was slim pickins' for sure.

  7. Yeah, I'm kind of with Les on abortion, dmarks; legal in the first trimester, discouraged in the second trimester, and severely restricted in the third trimester.


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