Monday, April 20, 2015

On the Difference Between Governments and Private Entities

The former operates through force (AKA, violence) and the threat of force (AKA, intimidation). The latter operates through persuasion and mutual consent. That's the big difference.


  1. Exactly. You can be killed for refusing to participate in the government's "business". Not so with private business. We need to abolish socialism.

  2. Many democratic socialist countries have done and are doing just fine. In fact much, as in majority, of their population are quite happy.

    You really need to seperate totalitarian socialism and democratic socialism fot any meaningful discussion to occur.

    IMHO anyway.

  3. Yes, of course. Different levels of progress down the statist path. Degrees of difference in statism.

    1. It stands to reason that the moment a state is organized statism is born. From infancy to adolescence to adulthood to old age to death. And so it goes.

      The million dollar question? Is it possible to stop the progression at the most desirable spot? And who would decide where that spot should be?

      Fun stuff, eh?

  4. Give it a few thousand years...


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