Tuesday, March 3, 2015

On What the Libertarian Candidates Can Say to Black Folks

There are several things actually. a) The fact that it is a libertarian think-tank (The Cato Institute) which operates the watchdog web-site, policemisconduct.net. b) The fact that it is the Libertarian Party which has most vociferously opposed the "war on drugs" (a policy that has disproportionately damaged the black community). c) The fact that it is the Libertarian Party which has most strenuously advocated for school choice (something that inner-city black parents strongly support). And d) the fact that the Libertarians are also strongly against draconian licensing fees, "certificate of necessity" requirements (both of which are barriers to entry for potential black businesses), moronic regulations that disproportionately eviscerate small businesses, etc........Hey, it's a start.


  1. Cato Institute seems to consist of all white policy wonks .

  2. License fees are rather "regressive", in that the poor are clobbered much more by them. I proposed eliminating them, so the necessary revenues are paid out of general budgets. This would be for business licenses and also drivers licenses, getting a required ID, etc.

    Jerry Critter, of all people, defended the fees. He can be surprising sometimes, like when he recently signed on to the "anti-vaccine" hysteria.

  3. At least they're trying, BB, which is a lot more than the Republicans can say.

  4. Licensing is totally regressive, dmarks. It's also a crony capitalistic system in which politicians and "established players" create barriers to entry and if that isn't a means to income inequality then nothing is.

  5. Will: Not only that, but it clobbers poor people getting car drivers licenses, ID's, etc.

    The problem with requiring proper ID to vote isn't so much the ID itself, but that the government (in a policy defended by leftists such as Jerry) is playing "rob the poor" by daring to charge people stiff fees for these IDs. Democratic governments are doing this also.

  6. BB said: "Cato Institute seems to consist of all white policy wonks ."

    That's kind of racist of you, BB. Why should it matter what their skin color is? Answer? It doesn't unless you are a bigot. I usually expect better from you....

  7. I would also add that some left-leaning groups like the Sierra Club and Greenpeace are pretty darn white, too.

  8. Will, of course. I can guess that as someone without racial bias, you don't care about that. But you decided to look or think about it once someone else played the race card.

  9. Libertarians and radical environmentalists both tend to be lily white. Kind of interesting, ain't it? As for why certain group vote a certain way, it's call constituency politics and it's rapidly becoming a poison.

  10. Fair enough, BB. I figured what it looked like you did wasn't as bad as what you did.


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