Tuesday, March 24, 2015

On Ted Cruz Announcing His Candidacy for the Presidency Yesterday and the Fact that He Did it at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University

Yeah, that latter part is a major obstacle for him in terms of getting my support (the fact that it underscores my preconceived notion of the guy as a bible-thumping moron, etc.).


  1. Dudes is simply crazy. Smart, but crazy nonetheless.

  2. Yes. but his belief in creationism will likely not harm you.

    Contrast that to the Dem's anti-science faith in "global warming" which will leave you cold and poorer.

  3. I guess that Dershowitz said that the fellow was his #1 student (so, yeah, crazy and smart seems to describe him well).

  4. That's a fair point, dmarks. I just fear that he might be a little bit quick on the trigger.


  5. Gotta love the leftwingnutz...if someone is adamant about their conservative beliefs and is true to said beliefs,they are "crazy."

    Yes,they really are inclusive,are'nt they....

  6. Yeah, a hothead who is not very statesman like.

    There are plenty of valid criticisms of him. but the idiots on the Left think that bashing him for being an immigrant (and this happens a LOT) is somehow intelligent... when it makes them look like the dumb bigots that immigrant bashers are.

  7. Creationism would be extremely
    harmful if it replaced biology
    as science. Dark Ages harmful.

  8. "....Dark Ages..."

    A term which is pretty close to what happens if the global warming ayatollah's and their faithful have their way.

  9. Rusty: You gotta admit. him doing the "Green Eggs and Ham" thing was loony-tunes....


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