Friday, March 13, 2015

On Greenpeace Proclaiming that "We Must End Our Addiction to Oil" While at the Same Time Hobnobbing Around on a $32 Million Diesel-Fueled Vessel

Yeah, these are the same idiots who from the plush comfort of their air-conditioned offices bitch and moan about mining while at the same time utilizing numerous devices/gadgets (personal computers, cell phones, etc.) that could have never been produced if it wasn't for, yeah, you got it, MINING!!!!!!!!! Yep, the same folks.


  1. I think the point is to develop alternative energy BEFORE we run out of oil.

    Hey, it won't happen in our lives so... SO WHAT? Soon it will be the problem for a
    future generation.

    Oy Vey!

  2. They've been saying that we're running out of oil for over 100 years now and still swimming in the stuff. Yeah, we'll ultimately have to use something else (hydrogen possibly) but I trust the American entrepreneur to come up with that something more than I do Greenpeace or the Sierra Club.

  3. Not necessarily a safe bet given the obsession with bottom line only mentality and live for the moment and to hell with the future.

  4. You need to reclaim your libertarian beliefs, Les; the concept of spontaneous order, the tragedy of the commons, etc..


  5. Les needs to go back to Boston Piggy's chat room were he is viewed as a learned sage....kind of tell's how sharp that crew is.

  6. Will: Indeed. I saw RN take the side of the Left on infrastructure.

    I disagree strongly with this, as the liberal/left position insists on prevailing wage/Davis Bacon, which is pure corruption, significantly increases the costs of public construction projects, and funnels massive amounts of money (stolen from workers) into Democratic campaign coffers.

    If they are so interested in improving infrastructure, they would agree to abolish this corruption. And put infrastructure first.

  7. Here is an excellent editorial on stopping the Democrats' robbery and war on our infrastructure.

    "Prevailing wages, not market wages, must be paid on public construction projects, a requirement that runs up the cost of government contracts by as much as 30 percent....

    all subject to the prevailing wage law. Repealing that law would allow the school district to build five campuses for the current cost of four."

    It's like this everywhere. Repealing these corrupt laws instantly increase such construction and public works budgets by between a tenth and a third... all without stealing a penny more from our grossly overtaxes taxpayers, and without a penny of deficit spending.

  8. You don't need to look any farther than CA; the highest taxes and the crummiest roads....And even in CT here, we have the 3rd highest gas taxes and now they want to bring the tolls back, too. It just never ends with these folks.


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