Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Israel's Next Prime-Minister?

One can only hope so (that sick I am of Mr. Netanyahu's constant - starting in 1992 - Chicken Little crap)


  1. You have a better chance of walking out your front door and finding a two pound gold nugget on the ground.

  2. Les, a few years back, Leon Panetta was asked point blank if the Iranians were building a bomb and he responded, no (which he followed up with a bunch of double-talk), and, so, yeah, I strongly agree, let's get Oren in there.

  3. I cut Netanyahu more slack than you, Will. After all, it is his country, his people which are facing several foreign neighboring nations whose Job 1 is killing them all off.


  4. I fully agree with dmarks, Will and RN are sitting where their nearest enemy is thousands of miles away.They might feel a bit different if that enemy was next door.

  5. Rusty: On the other hand, I doubt very much that Israel is going to elect someone who is going to shrug off Iran's constant "we will kill you all" rants and unprovoked aggression.


  6. I hate to do it Will,but


  7. I guess that Oren's center party came in 3rd.

  8. Iran wants to kill off all Israel Jews. That's several million individuals.

    Israel wants to eliminate the Iranian nuclear weapons program (which might kill a handful engaged in this activity).

    I think it is a mistake to call the Israelis warmongers, or chicken littles.

  9. Rusty: Yes I see Israel takes the threat of a nearby huge wealthy nation with a massive military, explicitly devoted to butchering Israel's people, quite seriously.

    There's one clear solution, Will. And that is for the maniacs to call off their Holocaust. Israel should, in general, stay the course, and not appease any of the psycho Himmler's that oppose them.

    The Israelis agree. Their lives are on the line, not ours.


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