Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Can See it Now, Folks, Al Gore, Sitting by the Fireplace

I think that every person should be coaxed into taking a course in the history of energy. You see, that way these environmental nut-cases who constantly go around bashing fossil fuels would be forced into seeing just how intensely miserable that human life was prior to their discovery; the poverty, the pitiful life-spans, etc.. And, while, yes, I do understand that these folks aren't always capable of learning, at least the rest of the populace would be better informed, not so easily persuaded by crazy-assed nonsense, etc., and that that would be a good thing.


  1. Him being Al Gore, he would sit beside one if the many available smoky carbon-belching fireplaces in one of his many mansions... as he seeks to ban poor people from having fireplaces...

  2. And writing his next masterpiece (of fiction) via candle-light.

  3. Al Gore invented the fireplace.


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