Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Rare Display of Journalistic Integrity and Courage

Jonathan Capehart (a columnist for the Washington Post) did something that not a lot of people do these days. He admitted that he made a mistake. I guess that Mr. Capehart was one of the folks who was peddling that false narrative of "hands-up, don't shoot" in the Michael Brown case but, instead of doubling-down and/or ignoring the Justice Department report which essentially exonerates Officer Wilson, he read the report thoroughly and admitted that his initial assessment was wrong.........................................................................................Needless to say, Mr. Capehart is rapidly becoming a pariah and getting tagged by leftist kooks as some sort of "house negro" and worse. But like the fellow himself has said, sometime you just have to do the right thing and kudos to him for having the bravery to do it. 


  1. Lets hope he doesn't throw his hat into the political ring. Politics these days seem to have a negative effect on integrity.

    Took guts to acknowledge he jumped the gun.

  2. some sort of "house negro" and worse...

    Exactly the sort of nasty racist smears the left (including leftist blacks) use against black people who show diversity in views.

    Anyway, it is refreshing when a journalist does their job and looks at the facts, instead of buying into the dominant racist narrative on Brown.


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