Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Real Reasons for WW2

This war was fought for the same reasons that pretty much every other war has been fought; out of greed, fear, envy, hatred, etc.. The Brits just couldn't stand the fact that the German economy was doing well and somehow felt that this was a threat to their world hegemony (Churchill calling for the annihilation of Germany as early as 1936). The fact of the matter is that Stalin had killed a thousand times more people than Hitler and had even invaded more countries on the eve of the war (none of which had done a damn thing to Russia or ethnic Russians) but it was only Germany that the British and the slantheaded Anglophiles in Washington had targeted for extermination (and, yes, that's what it was). I mean, I know that this was the British motif and all (just ask the Boers, the Zulus, the Native Americans, the Australian Aborigines, the Shona, the Asian Indians, etc.) but this damned war was as senseless and ridiculous as it gets (60,000,000 casualties over what was little more than a regional squabble).

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