Friday, February 27, 2015

On War and Truth

The only time that government lies more than during (and prior to) war is in its aftermath (the depraved search for justification, one could call it); that the Mexican-American War was fought to normalize the border of Texas, that the Civil War was fought to get rid of slavery, that the Spanish-American War was fought to liberate Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, that the first world war was fought to make the planet safe for democracy, that the second world war was fought to rid the world of fascism, that the war in Vietnam was fought to free those people, etc., etc........It is simply something that they do, folks, and unfortunately (and with the help of court historians) it works (mainly because the citizens allow it to).


  1. Begin with; The only justification for violence against another is in response to an act of agression. From there expand to nations as reason dictates the same.

    Truth is not the strong suit of bullies or aggressor nations.


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