Sunday, February 15, 2015

On President Roosevelt and Japan

a) It is clear from the diaries of Tugwell, Moley, etc. that Roosevelt wanted war with Japan as early as 1933.............b) It is also clear that the Roosevelt administration had been engaged in economic warfare (a total embargo pertaining to oil. steel, and scrap iron, a freezing of Japanese assets, etc.) against the Japanese in the months leading up to Pearl Harbor.............c) We also now know with certitude that the Japanese had been trying for months to normalize relations with America and that Roosevelt had rejected each and every one of their overtures.............d) On January 27, 1941, the President received a confidential communication from his ambassador in Japan, Joseph Grew, that the Japanese military plan was ultimately to attack Pearl Harbor.............e) American code-breakers were able to intercept a great deal of information and it was obvious that an attack on either Pearl Harbor or the Philippines was at the very minimum a possibility.............f) Roosevelt's policy was one of unconditional surrender, a policy that Truman inherited and adhered to, and a policy that was responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.............g) And in one of the most egregious violations of civil liberties in U.S. history, Roosevelt proceeded to round up and intern tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans (most of them citizens) and kept them there for the duration of the war.


  1. That FDR was a war monger, a war criminal, and a fascist.


  2. Christ Will....the guy is 70 years dead.Do you want to dig him up and hang him?

  3. Don't tell me that you're going to defend this statist buffoon (no friend of liberty, this guy), Russ.

  4. He sacrificed 3,000 sailors to get a war that he wanted for 8 years. I just don't get the appeal of this guy.


  5. FDR is long gone and WWII is long over.I try to live in the present Will and I'm a bit more concerned about these crazy savages running around beheading,burning and killing people in multiple countries in the name of Allah.And if that spineless incompetent living in the White House doesn't remove his head out of his ass I'm fearful one of their next stops will be on our soil.

  6. Well, thankfully THIS President won't get a chance for a third term.


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