Wednesday, February 18, 2015

On Nelson Mandela (WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT) Once Having Been Caught on Videotape Singing, "Shoot the Boer, Kill the Boer"

Yeah, this is another guy who hasn't gotten sufficient scrutiny (the fact that he and his organization were largely a rump Western construct, the extraordinary amount of violence that they engaged in, etc.).


  1. Tis a given, indigenous folk generally are not fond of colonists.

  2. If South Africa was so bad then why did pretty much every black on the continent try to migrate there?...And the Boers were borderline camp-counselors compared to what the British did on 4 frigging continents.

  3. Your point is well founded BB, colonists tend to exploit and or suppress the indigenous folks of the region.

  4. The Boers began as a Dutch East India Corp. station. Like all colonists of the time, they used indigenous slaves (including unfortunately, some of the oldest, by DNA study, human tribes, the Khoisan and San
    groups. I don't know about every
    black on the continent migrating there, but those that were losing their land and being held as Boer slaves migrated OUT of Boer territory. Colonists are colonists, paint them different
    shades if you wish.

  5. The Dutch government forbade enslaving indigenous people of southern Africa. They did allow the importation of slaves from other territories. Current investigations into the history of South Africa seem to indicate that the first slaves were brought from India.......And, yes, I make a huge distinction between the Boers who basically coexisted with the natives and settled in areas that weren't hugely populated and the British who pushed the Boers inward, instituted gun-running with the blacks, and who went on a wholesale killing spree of both the blacks and the Boers.

  6. And just compare what the Afrikaners did in South Africa to what the English did in North America; the former settling on a small section of land and mostly respecting the other populations (yes, there were conflicts but it wasn't always the Boers who started them) WHICH ALSO MIGRATED TO THAT REGION (in some instances at a later date than the Dutch) and the latter basically stealing an entire continent and committing genocide. Oh yeah, BB, I see a MAJOR difference.


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