Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On the Necessity of War

In the words of Milton, from "Paradise Lost", "Necessity is the tyrant's plea."


  1. For clarification:

    The only justification for the use force is response to an act of aggression. In such instances the use of force in self defense is morally justified.

    In some cases necessity is self preservation. Not the plea of a tyrant.

  2. Dean Smith and Tark the Shark pass away in the same week. What a pair to compare and contrast.

  3. That is a fair distinction, Les, and I totally concur with it.

  4. You're right, BB - though I gotta say that that 1990 UNLV team probably could have beaten a couple of NBA rosters (this year's Knicks included!).


  5. About 15 years ago I ran across Tark in an establishment called The Elbow Room in Fresno Ca.,he was holding court,drinking and talking to anyone who wanted to hear him.Quite the guy....I became an instant fan of his....rest in peace Jerry.


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