Friday, February 13, 2015

On Kanye West "Thinking" that a Person (Beyonce) Who Doesn't Play an Instrument, Doesn't Write Her Own Songs, and Who Only Engages in One Type of Music (Pop Schlock) Is More Artistically Creative than a Person (Beck) Who Plays 11 Instruments, Writes All of His Own Songs, and Who Has Performed in Multiple Genres from Hip Hop All the Way to Contemporary Folk and Alt Country

Did I put this bozo on my list of worst black assholes? Please, if I didn't, consider him included.


  1. Perhaps a more accurate descriptive phrase would have been "artistically expressive".

    But hey, I like Beyonce's vocals.

  2. Will, can you say "better booty than Beck" 3 times in a row real fast?

    Anyway, this situation is what happens when "affirmative action" is in place. Or in any situation where actual merit is discounted.


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