Thursday, February 5, 2015

On Joy Behar's Claim that Only Conservatives Buy into this Moronic Vaccines Causing Autism Nonsense

Yeah, well what about this slanthead? He's obviously a true believer (he also believes that we can meaningfully reduce our carbon footprint by building more wind turbines at a measly one watt per square meter - just not in Hyannis) and so are a lot of those liberal idiots out in California....And what about the President? He's made some asinine comments on the subject and hasn't backed away as far as I'm aware. Yes, there are some moronic conservatives out there (Hannity and Palin obviously jump off the page) but for clowns like Behar (who herself is hardly MENSA material) to try and say that liberals are de facto smarter than conservatives is neither helpful nor accurate, in my opinion.


  1. Any silly claims of Republicans being the "anti-science party" from Democrats are partisan bunkum.

    Consider Al Gore, a top Democrat, peddling climate "theories" that have as much relation to science as astrology does... including the claims that have Florida sinking like a battleship within a few years from now.

  2. Obama's told some whoppers, too; that serious weather events are increasing in frequency, intensity, and duration (Roger Pielke has annihilated that one), that we currently have the technology to significantly reduce our carbon footprint (according to Pielke, we would literally have to build windmills by the MILLIONS to get there), etc..

  3. The Republicans have the edge on being "anti science" with having more creationists. But this is made up for by all the eqully faith-based global warming enthusiasts being more prevalent among the Democrats.

  4. Apparently, we choose what science to believe (unless we
    ARE scientists). 'Faith-based
    GW' or 'Faith-based Anti-GW'
    is polemical: in either case there is ubiquitous data to interpret. The layman is free to pick and choose what to believe or not, but that is hardly science. Gore, with his uninformed prating, is no worse,
    (far less worse, IMO) than GWB
    replacing the scientists in his
    administration with businessmen
    and religious nuts. That said,
    agreed, Behar is immaterial.

  5. Interesting article here about politics trumping science under Obama also.

    Like Bush, he continues to ignore science for his preferred business interests:

    "there are areas where Obama has undercut American leadership in basic science by favoring loan guarantees and industrial subsidies to the alternative-energy industry at the expense of science elsewhere."


    Now, Will. What do you think is more dangerous to energy, jobs, food production, and the bank account of the average working man (or to quote the Dems: "working families"): nutty creationists, or nutty global warming zealots?


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