Tuesday, February 3, 2015

On the Fact that Both FDR and Churchill Secretly Signed on to the Morgenthau Plan, a Policy that Had it Ever Come to Full Fruition Would Have Resulted in the Starvation Death of Millions of Germans

Thankfully, FDR died and Truman (a man who was fully cognizant of Northern atrocities during Reconstruction) opted instead for the saner, more compassionate, and constructive Marshall Plan...............................................................................................P.S. It also should be stated that Truman had the courage and wherewithal to enlist the services of former President Hoover and that the two men (who both had warts for sure) worked magnificently together in their efforts to feed a war-torn Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Truman is underrated.

    I am also finding the same about Carter, who wanted to roll back the "war on drugs" and bucked the trend on some other matters as well.


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