Sunday, February 1, 2015

On Eisenhower Not Allowing the International Red Cross to Inspect the Rhine Meadows Detention Camps

Inexcusable but not at all surprising from a fellow who once said that, "our primary purpose in the destruction of as many Germans as possible" and that "it is a pity we couldn't kill more" and that his expectation was to "destroy every German West of the Rhine and within that area in which we are attacking".............Yep, one more American hero bites the dust................................................................................................P.S. It also must be stated that the Americans reclassified all German prisoners from POWs to "disarmed enemy forces" (criminals, in essence) and that they did this so they wouldn't have to be in violation of the Geneva Conventions (which they obviously were in that not only did they not give these soldiers food, they didn't give them shelter or sanitation facilities - this, despite the fact that these amenities were available in France). Yeah, huh?

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