Sunday, February 22, 2015

On Bursting the Bubble of WW2

All war is based at least in part on deception. We (those of us with a pulse, that is) know this like we know our lives. And, yet, when it comes to WW2 and the Holocaust, we accept the traditional narrative completely. I mean, it's almost as if we have this collective trembling that the alternative (the notion that 60,000,000 people died for bubkes) is just too frightening and so we leave it. But this is dangerous, for if history isn't the "hanging judge", a "revisionist", a skeptic, etc., we will be doomed to repeat over and over the worst of it. And I really want you folks to think about this - if we can burst the bubble on this war, the most hallowed of wars (the good war, as we're repeatedly told), what will these elitists (the war factions, the statist fools, the benefactors of constant war, the MIC, etc.) have left? Not much, from what I can fathom.

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