Monday, February 9, 2015

On Brian Williams's Claim that He Saw a Body Floating Down Canal Street from His Hotel in the French Quarter

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that he's lying about that as well (the fact that the French Quarter didn't get a shitload of flooding, that his hotel wasn't even located in the French Quarter, that there were no reports of people missing from that area, etc.).


  1. All the lies caught up with Lyin Brian today.

    He just signed a contract that paid him ten million a year.

    I guess when you get his kind of power you begin to think you are bullet proof....guess again Brian.

    Amazing that Stars and Stripes magazine is the one that greased the skids on him.

  2. Yeah, he was spinning some incredible yarns for certain.


  3. One of the potato heads in Octo's chat room actually tried to blame Lyin Brian's doozy about getting shot out of the sky on George Bush.This jerk feels that if Bush had not lied us into the war Williams would not have been in a position to lie. I mean,liberals will go to any means to avoid personal responsibility.......amazing


  4. Mr.Shackleford to you son....or feel free to call me captain or boss or chief or sir or massa or your betters....


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