Friday, February 20, 2015

A Few Points on South Africa

a) The vast, vast percentage of people who were slaughtered by the ANC were other black folks; moderates who, while they certainly weren't in favor of Apartheid, respected what the white government had done in terms of political and economic advancement and instead of blowing it all up via some idiotic communistic bullshit simply wished to expand and better the system.............b) The ANC was not a indigenous movement but rather a Western-led one that was spearheaded by outside agitators and South African elitists (guys like Tutu who could leave the country at the drop of a hat) whose call for initiatives such as sanctions did little but harm poor black people.............c) While of course Apartheid was a problematic policy, it also must be pointed out that on virtually every indice imaginable (life expectancy, infant mortality, employment, per capita income, education, etc.), blacks in South Africa were monumentally better off than blacks in pretty much every other African country and that this is underscored by the level of immigration into South Africa.............d) How is it possible that a two state solution is seen by most people today (me included) as the perfect answer to the Israel-Palestine problem but was never even contemplated by people in the West when it came to South Africa? I mean, was it simply because of skin color?............e) The group, Genocide Watch, has officially moved South Africa from level 5 (polarization) to level 6 (preparation) on its genocide watch list. This was done in response to the thousands of murders of white South Africans (over 60,000 by some accounts since 1991), especially the Afrikaner farmers (being a white farmer is now officially the most dangerous job on the planet), and to the rhetoric of groups such as the Economic Freedom Fighters led by former ANC Youth Director, Julius Malema; "A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate....The honeymoon is over for white people. We need to kill them like they killed us."......Yeah, yeah, I get it, colonization (the equivalent of black folks killing white folks in America over slavery).............f) We actually have no idea how many whites have been murdered in South Africa because the government there doesn't keep track of race in its crime statistics anymore (which in and of itself is kind of a huge red-flag, don't ya' think?). Convenient, huh?

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