Saturday, January 31, 2015

What the Germans Were Up Against

a) "What we want is for the German economy to be completely smashed." Winston Churchill 1939 (fresh off of rejecting one of Germany's many peace offers).............b) "You have to live with the Germans but it would be way better if you could drive them out of Europe, like the Arabs were once chased out of Spain." Andre Francois-Poncet 1939 (right after General Gamelin had given the Poles a war guarantee from France).............c) "The enemy is the German Reich, not just Nazism, and those who have not learned this lesson have learned nothing whatsoever. All possibilities of compromise (and please keep in mind here that numerous compromises have already been rejected) have gone by and it has to be a fight to the finish....the German Reich and the Reich idea have been the curse of the world for 75 years....the German Reich has got to go under, and not only under, but right under." Lord Robert Vansittart 1939.

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