Tuesday, January 27, 2015

To those Who Think that the Federal and State Governments of America Are Not Conducting a Full-Bore Frontal Assault on the Little Guy (AKA, the Small Businessman)

THIS, folks -http://www.ij.org/cases/economicliberty - yeah, libertarians totally suck.


  1. The biggest attack is from the Wal-Marts, Home Depots, BOA, Dick's Sporting Goods, CVS, and the rest of the mega businesses.

    I'd be more worried about the rich and powerful corporations than anything else. Three generations down he road a neo-fuedalism may be the order of the day.

    In a sense though you are right Will, given Citizen United and all. Sooner than we think we will probably live in a society ruled by Oligarchs and Plutocrats.

    But, a rising tide lifts all boats. Right??

  2. What is the "attack", RN?

    I've noticed the reality of big box chains providing a lot better service while "Main Street" tells the customers to F-U.

    I noticed this when I wanted to buy a camera tripod at 8 AM in a moderate sized town. I checked downtown. All the stores were closed. They didnt want my business. I could have gone and banged on their cold doors for 2 hours before they bothered to open.

    I went to TARGET, and got the thing right away, and was using it long before the sleepyheads in those stores opened.

    When these small businessmen blow off the customers, businesses that don't do this will step in. And succeed.

  3. I don't know how to make it any clearer. But it's not important really. Continue on present course and hello to the neo- fuedalism.

  4. If you want to stave of feudalism by somehow artificially propping up businesses that are choosing to run themselves into the ground, be my guest.

    Oh wait, that is what crony capitalism does.


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