Thursday, January 22, 2015

The View from a Minuscule Watt Per Square Meter

This is a prime example of why slantheaded politicians need to stay out of private enterprise. As Robert Bryce, Vaclav Smil, Roger Pielke, etc. have all pointed out in their valuable writings, we (as in the world) would literally need to build MILLIONS of these behemoths (using fossil fuel of course in that everybody with half a brain knows that, while, yes, you can build windmills out of steel, you can't build steel out of windmills) in order to reach the carbon emission goals that have been set forth by various governments. Couple that with the fact that crony capitalist pigs like Al Gore and Geoffrey Immelt have gotten so filthy rich from this scam and it really is a slug in the gut. If it were solely up to me, I'd be making 'em all (both the politicians and businessmen) do a perp-walk; a LONG perp-walk.

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