Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Prestidigitation Twins

So, how do you create a state budget surplus? It's easy, just do what these two crafty schmucks did. Use cash-based budgeting and under-report the cost of retiree healthcare and ignore completely the required contributions to the state teacher pension plan (in Brown's case, this made the budget look $6 billion rosier than it actually was). And does anybody in his proper mind actually think that California (currently losing adjusted gross income at damn near $5,000 PER MINUTE!! - is going to collect all of those taxes? Really?


  1. Did either of them cut the massive wasteful overspending that each state has... the main cause of the problem?

  2. I think that Christie tried but ultimately pulled a Schwarzenegger and simply went with the flow.

  3. Sorry Will, but your bait tastes like crap and I am not biting. I live in California and I love it. Plus, I will take our bad weather (60F and drizzle) to yours any day.

  4. Highest taxes and the worst roads (though, yes, I will give you the weather advantage). What's not to love?


  5. Let it lie Will......Jerry will only complain about Ca. if they ever elect a republican again.....facts have nothing to do with it....

  6. Mass. Must have the worst roads in the nation. At least from where I sit anyway.

    And the weather sucks of late.

  7. Check here where California comes out as a craphole. Along side the usually derived "red state" South.

    Only California is run by the left. This is just one of many such indicators.

    And, as is not surprising, the ruling elites (who get their money by it being forcibly taken from the working class), prosper very well in California:

    see map here.

    Not surprising at all, where the rules are rigged by those who rule and make the rules: the typical focus of the Left.

    Working families get the shaft.

    Will, do you think California government should tilt back to the idea of public service, and away from where it is one of the worst states for those who rule it getting rich at the public expense?

  8. Les, I'm from CT but I LOVE MA; Northampton, Amherst, Great Barrington, Stockbridge, Lennox, Lee, South Hadley, Hyannis, Provincetown, Wellfleet, Sandwich, Plymouth, Falmouth, Chatham, Ipswich, Salem, Newburyport, Rockport, Marblehead, Gloucester, North Adams, Williamstown, Shelburne Falls, Deerfield, etc. The only thing that we have comparable in CT would be Essex and Guilford and maybe a few towns in Litchfield Country. AND your gas is cheaper!

    1. Yeah, but you have casinos.

      Oh wait, we'll have those in Springfield too

      Higher gas prices resulted in less travel. I'm good with the less travel.

  9. Russ and dmarks, you just might want to check out Steven Greenhut's book, "Plunder!". He really dives into detail with this whole CA fiasco and, boy, is it ever eye-opening.

  10. Not to pile onto CA, but I will anyway........drivers licenses for illegals? WTF?

    1. CI... it is part of the Dem ' s voter fraud situation. You know "Motor Voter"? This is how Dems get more illegal aliens voting.

  11. I'm a pro immigration guy but that's even too over the top for me.

    1. Same here. I am pro immigration, but against election fraud.

  12. You do have some babes for certain, Jerry (I, though, would have taken Gene Tierney, Susan Hayward, and Eva Marie Saint over Marilyn).


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