Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Parts of Me

I'm a quarter English and a quarter German, and ever since I was a little kid I was taught to hate the German part and to love the English part. Well, guess what, folks - I'm not going to play that game anymore....'Cause it wasn't the German part that perpetrated genocide on the Native Americans, on the Australian Aborigines, on the South Asian Indians, on the Boers/Zulus of South Africa, on the black folks of Rhodesia, etc.....That, and it wasn't the English side that attempted on numerous occasions to make peace both before and during WW2 in an effort to halt the madness; even going as far as to offer the Poles West Prussia, total access to the Baltic, a referendum in the Polish Corridor, and a railway line connecting the Corridor to Greater Poland just in case they lost that referendum. No, the Germans are aren't perfect (not in the least) and I am more than happy to criticize them (their attack on Warsaw, for example) but the harsh reality is that we have been lied to for decades and if there has ever been an era crying out for a second look it is 1918 to 1947 (yes, I added on a couple of years to accommodate the Rhine Meadows death camps and the ethnic cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe in which AT LEAST 600,000 perished).


  1. I"m 1/2: German and proud of it. But it doesn't change my hate for the Austrian wannabe German Hitler or his henchmen

  2. Will, the multiple holocausts perpetrated by left-wing socialists in Eastern Europe are little reported. Millions of Germans ordered raped and slaughtered by Stalin. Many many ethnic cleansings. The Baltic states Russianized while large proportions of the native population killed also. Vienna ravaged... something you also hear little about.

  3. I hate Hitler, too, Les. But more like I hate Mussolini, Franco, Milosevic, D'Aubuisson, etc........Stalin and Mao were far worse, in my opinion.

  4. Face it folks, humans are just one F'd up species.

  5. You're on the case, dmarks. Lenin once killed 4,000 striking workers in less than 72 hours and did it by tying boulders to their necks and dumping them in the river.......And Stalin was even more virulent with firing squads working 24/7/365.

  6. All were tyrants, we're talking a matter of degrees is all.


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