Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Latest Republican Critique of The President?

This is a good one, folks. According to morons such as Oliver North, John Bolton, and even Mitch 'the bitch" McConnell, Obama is killing TOO MANY TERRORISTS (via the drone attacks). What these geniuses think that he should do is capture and interrogate (enhanced interrogation, I gather) them because, as we all know by now, that technique has made the world so much safer (sarcasm intended).........................................................................................Look, I'm all for criticizing the President as well. But when you do it incessantly and in a manner as awkward as this, you really start to look stupid, small, and vindictive, and nobody wants to listen to that.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, stupid for sure. But hey, the gig with the moron brigade is if Obama does something it is automatically wrong, period.


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