Friday, January 30, 2015

The Anatomy of Rank Corruption

a) A young Texas Congressman, Lyndon Johnson, throws his full support to FDR in 1940. b) FDR reciprocates by having a huge naval base built in Corpus Christi, Texas (right in the middle of Johnson's district). c) Johnson is able to secure the construction contract (a cost-plus fixed fee contact which literally guaranteed a profit regardless of efficiency) for one of his biggest campaign contributors, Brown and Root. d) Brown and Root (chock with cash at this point) immediately starts funnelling money back to Johnson which he used not just for his candidacy but for Democrats across the country. e) Repeat this process all across the U.S. with additional military bases, WPA boondoggles (almost entirely in the swing states), etc.. f) FDR gets re-elected to an unprecedented third term

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