Thursday, January 15, 2015

On Shaw's Claim that President Obama not Going to Paris (with the Rest of those World Leaders) Wasn't a "Big Blunder"

While I kind of agree with her, it also should be pointed out that Obama could throttle a brownie and Shaw would probably blame the brownie, and so dog bites man all day long on this one, folks.


  1. I don't think Shaw is nearly as bad as you think.

    And not to talk to her behind her back (assuming she read this anyway), but she is one of those who considers the political party someone belongs to, to be so so important. More so than several of us comment/posting. More so than you, and I, and Les, for example.

  2. I don't dislike her like as much as do wd, Octopus, Tao, Flyin Junior, etc., but she frustrates me because I really think that there's an independent inside of her that would like to come out but for some reason simply can't.


  3. You are dead wrong on her Will.She is the nastiest leftwing partisan online.

    The tripe her and her flying monkees direct at Lisa and Freethink are beyond the bounds of proper manners. Yet they will cry and screech at any perceived slight.

    And god forbid you say anything negative about Obama.

    IMO she is a partisan POS.

    1. Obviously you fail to read and UNDERSTAND the garbage Lisa and Freethinke post. In fact your approval of the low life crowd of sock puppets there says all that need be said.

  4. You probably go to her site more than I do and so my opinion is more limited but I do agree with you that the gal does seem to cry, foul, and promote victimization bullshit quite a bit these days.


  5. Correct......she goes out of the way to paint herself as the victim.......and she has a group of monkee's who are more then willing to protect her....sort of the way the minions protected Jabbba the Hut...

  6. Lisa, Free Thinke, Geez: now
    THERE is where the foul mouthed
    uninformed hate spewing syntax
    garbling examples of Neanderthal
    genetics hang out. IMO, Shaw
    is Sunday School by comparison.

  7. I defend Shaw because she publishes my BS on her blog. BTW, did you know that I'm a baldheaded ponytailed moron?

  8. I don't see many good guys on either side, quite frankly. I followed one of Lisa's back and forth threads recently (a hundred or so mostly virulent and insulting comments) and it was like, damn, can I have those last 5 minutes of my life back again?


  9. Two of Boston Chubby's flying monkee's make my point for me.

    Lester is the biggest hypocrite on these he is crying like a little girl about some perceived slights against his witch and the flying monkee's...yet he spends hour after hour on Lisa's blog dropping his idiotic one line insults....he may be a bigger POS then the fat gal.

  10. Thank you for making my point Chucklenutz.

    BB Idaho, you nailed it.


  11. ....the very typical flying monkey response....nothing substantial...just blather....

    1. Yawn, and yawn again.

      You want Chucklenutz to soil your living room that's fine. Count me as an ex regular. Chucklenutz out does Dervish in being an a-hole and that ain't an easy task.

      Chucklenutz with no blog of his own, merely sits in the choir of reactionaries and loonies. I haven't another two minutes of my life to waste on the dude or his compatriots.


  12. Yet you show up hour after hour,day after day to post your one line idiotic snide remarks,only to be laughed at and made shit of.Such a little man.

    1. I respond to yours and others. My initial comments are comments
      w/o snide and made to make a point. Because the WYD crowd can brook NO disagreement they respond as morons and idiots. So, they reap what they sow.

      Buh Bye...


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