Friday, January 9, 2015

On the Reagan Era Budget Shortfalls

They had absolutely NOTHING to do with the tax cuts (revenues exploded) and everything to do with the fact that Washington (both damned parties) couldn't control spending (military and domestic). Yes, Reagan signed every one of those budgets and so of course he shares some of the culpability (unlike others, I refuse to glorify ANY President) but to blame the deficits solely on him and his tax cuts (and they weren't JUST for the rich) is pure partisan hackery, in my view.


  1. The GWB tax cuts were mostly for the middle class. I don't remember now if the Reagan tax cuts were also.

  2. Just like Bush the Dim profligate military spending was a major reason for the Reagan deficits. But unlike Bush Reagan raised taxes what, seven or eight times?

  3. A decision in which Reagan comes out dimmer.


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