Tuesday, January 6, 2015

On FDR's Internment of Japanese-Americans During WW2

It was one of the worst violations of civil liberties/human rights in American history and can you even begin to imagine if George W. Bush (who obviously also has some things to answer for) had done something similar to Muslim-Americans after 9/11?....................................................................................That, and you don't think that if the Japanese had bombed California back to the stone age like the British did to Germany there wouldn't have been a shitload of these poor folks dying off, too (from diseases, malnutrition, etc.)? I mean, think about it.

1 comment:

  1. The US handling of indigenous dissenting or suspect groups goes back to the founding.
    A good read on the treatment of
    American royalists by the Patriots is Maya Jasanoff's 'Liberty's Exiles'.


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