Friday, January 23, 2015

On FDR Nominating Two Prominent Republicans (Henry Stimson, Frank Knox) to His Cabinet in the Weeks Just Prior to the 1940 Republican Convention

I'm not a huge FDR fan (that's putting it mildly) but if anybody out there can come up with a more brilliant political maneuver in American history, I would certainly love to hear it (it, along with his pivot to being relatively pro-business, probably earned him his victory over the charismatic Wendell Willkie).


  1. FDR was many things, among them was shrewdness and a sharp sense of political cunning.

  2. After his defeat, Willkie wasappointed by FDR as an Ambassador At Large. IMO, Willkie's defeat
    had more to do with the isolationists (who hated him)
    and power brokers in the GOP at
    that time. We presume that FDR
    chose not to delve into Wilkie's well-known womanizing, given his
    own covert operations in those matters.


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