Monday, January 5, 2015

On the Fact that Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, and Nurse Practitioners Make 3 to 4 Times as Much Dough as CNAs

Yeah, it kinda sucks from the CNA's perspective but there are two very good reasons for it. a) The therapists and nurse practitioners have to go to college for 6 to 7 years (as opposed to CNAs who take a 5 month program) and b) there's the law of supply and demand (the fact that there's a glut of CNAs and a shortage of skilled PTs, OTs, etc.). I mean, I know that this isn't necessarily comforting to hear but my advice to the disgruntled CNAs is the same as it is for everybody. Improve your human capital (our local community college has associate's and certificate degrees in a whole host of healthcare related fields including one for physical therapy assistant - these folks make more than double of what a CNA makes) and don't look to others to bail you out.


  1. Is there a situation where they are begging for handouts or something?

  2. A lot of them complain but only the smart ones do something about it (go for their LPN, associate's in medical assisting, etc.).

    1. It's like the McDonald's workers doing work worth about $8 an hour and oinking for a handout of $15 an hour without doing a single thing to earn this amount. Other than oink for more money.

  3. I went to Walmart last night and I don't mean to be harsh, but I'm not seeing $15 hr there, either.

  4. So, Will, did your parents teach you that the way to success, and to earn more money is to earn it?

    Or did they tell you to beg for it long enough, and that is all you had to do for prosperity to fall in your lap?


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