Friday, January 23, 2015

On the Concept of Not Being Able to Hire Somebody Just Because They Live on the Wrong Side of Some Imaginary Line

Not racist, nationalistic, economically illiterate, fascistic, and mean-spirited enough........................................................................................P.S. According to economist, Bryan Caplan, the world opening up its borders to the free flow of goods, services, and workers would ultimately result in a doubling of global wealth and a near eradication of poverty (I also submit that it would greatly reduce warfare)....Of course, he also submits that because of the general public's anti-foreign bias, their overall ignorance of basic economics (those who understand the text/argument are almost always free-trade and pro-immigration while those who don't invariably aren't), etc., we'll probably continue to elect the same type of dumb politicians and our nativist leanings will as well prevail.

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