Thursday, January 29, 2015

On All of those Morons in California Who Are Refusing to Vaccinate Their Children Because They Still Think that Vaccines Cause Autism (this, Despite the Fact that We Now Know with Certitude the Absurdity of this)

Utterly disgusting (and, no, it didn't help that Obama himself once gave credence to this notion).


  1. I'm not sure what your problem is. After all, it is their kids that will get the measles, not the vaccinated kids.

  2. There are even some MDs that buy
    into that illogical hysteria. Saw
    one on the news that had been signing papers for people who didn't want their kids vaccinated.
    (He DID say they came trooping back when the measles broke out, though)

  3. I care about all kids, Jerry, and, BB, you totally nailed this one.

  4. Jerry came down on the side of superstition and medicine a la 700 A.D. Didn't expect that...

  5. I had measles as a kid, a couple of different kinds. It was no big deal. Measles is more serious for adults, but as adults, they can make their own decisions about vaccines.

    I am surprised that a libertarian would take such an authoritarian position. Perhaps you are changing your positions.

  6. Jerry, I didn't say that we should FORCE anything on anybody. Just pointing out the stupidity here, that's all.

  7. dmarks, maybe it was the CA part that Jerry didn't like.

  8. Actually, dmarks, I came down on the side of personal freedom and choice. I'm surprised you didn't recognize that.

  9. It gets kind of complicated when it involves children, Jerry. I mean, you've got some crazy religious nuts out there that don't believe in ANY medical intervention for their kids. I'm sure that you'd agree with me that that is wrong.

  10. It is not a matter of whether or not I agree with you. In fact, I don't think I have stated a position on vaccination. As far as the "crazy religious nuts" go, generally they are left alone, except in some cases where the death of the child is close at hand.

  11. And I certainly don't mind the state intervening at that point


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