Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Some Notes on Ferguson

a) No less than six African-American witnesses corroborated the officer's narrative (i.e., that Michael Brown was charging the officer and that the officer only fired when this was happening). b) All of the witnesses who testified that Michael Brown was trying to surrender (the ring-leader being that Dorian Johnson thug) were either impeached or gave contradictory testimony. c) The forensic evidence also supports the officer's account in that the blood trail was clearly heading back to the officer and the kill-shot was very close.............Look, I am as disheartened as anybody that the kid got plugged, but for people like Michael Eric Dyson (some fast-talking, pseudo-intellectual, academic slug) and Melissa Harris-Perry to try and assert that he didn't do ANYTHING to bring it on (totally ignoring the evidence) is totally disgraceful, in my opinion.


  1. There are real issues in this area. Such as the NY cop who killed the cigarette guy.

    But the Ferguson one doesn't appear to be one of them. There's no evidence of racism on the part of the policeman, and Brown was on a little violent crime spree.

  2. There are of course examples of terrible policing (which I would happily put under the category of "government overreach"), but for people to try and extrapolate from these anecdotes that the system as a whole is racist is ridiculous.

  3. Is it? Some days I am not so certain.

  4. The media latches on to several incidents in a country with over 300 million people and before you know it we've got an "epidemic". Great for ratings but it sure ain't science.


  5. I fully agree with you Will.The libs were crying like a bunch of babies over the "Ebola scare" bitching and moaning about the media coverage,but they are perfectly content to call the police racist over a couple black guys breaking the law and ending up dead.

    I don't know about you,but other then a couple speeding tickets,thats the extent of my interaction with the police.Maybe if I had robbed a mini-mart or was selling untaxed cigs on the street it would be different.

  6. It is difficult to understand perhaps but institutionalized racism has been a part of our history for so long some simply judge it normal and somehow acceptable.

    That is not to say that all involved in running the justice system are racist. But it is time for a truly honest discussion. Something the folks at Lisa's Who's Your |Daddy and other sites like do not want.

  7. Here is the actual evidence, Les - a)"Our overall assessment of the available research suggests that factors other than racial discrimination in the sentencing process account for most of the disproportionate representation of black males in U.S. prisons.......No evidence exists of a widespread systematic pattern of discrimination in sentencing." The National Academy of Sciences 1983.............b) "Black incarceration rates for imprisonable crimes are substantially higher than those for whites because black crime rates are substantially higher than those for whites." (Liberal researcher) Michael Tonry, "Malign Neglect" 1995.............c) A Sampson/Lauritsen 1997 study likewise found that "large racial differences in criminal offending", not racism, was the major reason why more blacks were imprisoned more than whites and for longer terms.............d) A 1994 Justice Department survey of felony cases showed that blacks actually had a lower chance of prosecution (66% versus 69%) following a felony than whites did and that they were also less likely to be found guilty at trial (75% versus 78%).............e) A 1996 analysis (Gerald Reynolds) of 55,000 big city felony cases showed that black defendants were actually convicted at a lower rate than whites in 12 of the 14 federally designated felony categories.............f) In 1993, criminologist Alfred Blumstein found that when comparing black arrests for homicide and the presence of blacks in prison for that offense, African-Americans were significantly underrepresented among incarcerated inmates.............g) A 1991 RAND Corporation study found that a defendant's ethnic and racial background bore little if any relationship to a criminal's conviction rate and that other factors such as evidence and the existence of an eyewitness were significantly more important.............h) As far as the charge that blacks are arrested disproportionately, that, too, has largely been repudiated. According to statistics from the National Crime Victimization Survey, the percentage of blacks that have been accused by the actual victims (a large percentage of who are black themselves!!!!!) of crimes is almost identical to their arrest rate. So, unless these victims are wholesale falsely accusing innocent black folks rather the real perpetrators (which makes absolutely zero sense) you really have to consider it legit.

    1. Yeah, your right. No problem, non whatsoever. Case closed. Move on.


  8. Russ, I separate the New York and Ferguson cases in that the former did appear to be excessive. BUT I DON'T BLAME THE POLICE. I blame politicians like Bloomberg for a) creating this black-market for cigarettes with their draconian taxes and b) having the police essentially be the tax collectors for them. This was a disaster waiting to happen and it really pisses me off that the police are taking the full brunt of the blame here and none of it is being directed at Mr. 16 Ounces.

  9. I have said before that taxes are a lot like theft. The ruling elites demand your property under threat of violence or even death.

  10. Will said: "I blame politicians like Bloomberg for a) creating this black-market for cigarettes..."

    This is now De Blasio's policy. De Blasio, a strongly left-wing Democrat (Jersey, are you reading?). He has been office for a while. When he took office, he chose not only to keep Bloomie's policies, but to increase enforcement of them.


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