Tuesday, December 16, 2014

On What to Do When You Accuse George W. Bush of Being a War Criminal and Then Ultimately Discover that Your Progressive Icon, FDR, Perpetrated Some of the Most Despicable War Crimes in All of Human History (the Targeting and Murder of Hundreds of Thousands of Civilians and in a Manner that Had No Strategic Value Whatsoever)

  Hm, let's see, a sane and responsible person would probably either modify the charges against Bush or have the power of his or her convictions and hold Mr. Roosevelt to the same standards....Of course I'm obviously not referring to a sane individual here.


  1. Those guilty of war crimes should be held accountable, period! It doesn't matter if they won the war or not.

  2. Jerry, you, sir, are a principled progressive and I totally commend you for it.


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