Monday, December 1, 2014

On the President's Seemingly Open-Door Policy For Al Sharpton

Does he just not realize how pathetic of a gesture that this is? I mean, I know that you want to get black leaders into the White House and all but wouldn't folks like Doug Wilder, Harold Ford, Colin Powell, and Cory Booker be a hell of a lot better than constantly having to dip into this Jackson/Sharpton cesspool 24/7? I sure as hell think so.


  1. This one I cant understand.....Sharpton owes 4 million in federal taxes due to some really shady dealings.

    Maybe Al hooked Obama up with a really good looking Nubian princess.....hey,it could happen.

  2. It of course is political and calculated.

    On you mentioned personalities I must agree.

    Sharpton is a shyster and hustlers. Hasn't he allegedly bilked the IRS out of some 4 or 5 million?

    The Jackson/Sharpton dynamic duo are two I simply do not like. My bias causes me to not see what the President finds so politically attractive about them.

  3. There are still some things about Obama that I like, Les. Jackson maybe I can think of something. Sharpton - I got nothing!


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