Thursday, December 18, 2014

On the Fact that We Now Know Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt that the Katyn Forest Massacre was Perpetrated by the Soviet Secret Police (the NKVD Which was Previously Known as Cheka and Subsequently Known as the KGB) and Not by the Nazis

This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks; the brutal rapes of thousands of German women, the wholesale slaughter of innocent German civilians, the sending of German prisoners of war to Siberian gulags where hundreds of thousands of them died, the ethnic cleansing of German citizens (after the war) from Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, etc. (where over a million of them perished), etc......................................................................................Look, I get it. Hitler was a thug, a cruel dictator, a nationalist, an anti-Semite, etc., but to say that he was in the same league as these animals (under the brutal auspices of Joe Stalin) is ridiculous and totally unsubstantiated. Stalin - he was the real devil.


  1. IMO, they were in the same league.

  2. Churchill had his warts. But he didn't own 10,000 concentration
    camps or gulags, nor did he establish a one man dictatorship.
    He lost the game of bluff over Poland and by treaty declared war.
    My viewpoint: had he not, the
    Battle of Britain that filled their skies with RAF and Luftwaffe
    aircraft was merely postponed by
    at most 1-2 years. IMO, throughout
    history, events can overshadow the players.

  3. BB, he committed genocidal war crimes in both world wars (the hunger blockade in the first world war and the bombing of civilians in the second), presided over a policy in India that resulted in the starvation deaths of millions of people, and I do believe that he was a part of those concentration camps in South Africa that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Boers and Zulus. Those were pretty big warts.


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