Sunday, December 7, 2014

On Deborah Kerr Getting Top Billing Over Rita Hayworth in "Separate Tables"

Well, it's good to see that merit at least on occasion wins out.


  1. Darn. I meant to watch this last night and forgot.
    I have never thought Kerr was sexy, but Hayworth sure was.

    There's a fabulous British film about a married man and woman who meet in town and fall in love...and go back to their respective spouses....I love it.
    BRIEF ENCOUNTER! I Googled and found it..AND I was amazed to see that was directed by David Lean, who directed one of my very faves, Hobson's Choice. LOVE LOVE LOVE that film!

  2. We'll have to have a gentleman's disagreement on this one, my friend (kind of prefer Ms. Kerr). Totally agree with you on Lean, though; an amazing filmography.

  3. I agree with you Will. Kerr was a classy sexy rather than a raw sexy.

    Just watched her in a film with Cary Grant.


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