Tuesday, December 2, 2014

On Air Force General, Curtis LeMay (Director of Strategic Air Operations in Japan at the End of WW2), Allegedly Wanting to Have Dropped a Third A-bomb on Japan; This One to (Further) Obliterate Tokyo

Must be one of those "Wizards of Armageddon" that Fred Kaplan pontificated on not so long ago. A third atomic bomb (with more in the pipeline).


  1. It is said Lemay is the originator of 'bomb them back into the stone age' during the VN
    conflict. Regarding the state of
    nuclear weapons technology near the end of the war with Japan, we note that the Emperor announced the capitulation (to his people by radio) on Aug 15, while two
    days earlier, the logistics vs strategy was being considered.
    Unknown, but probably suspected by the military of that time, there was incipient resistance among the Manhattan Project scientists, some who were aghast
    at the destruction of their creation.

  2. A lot of the military brass was against it, too (Eisenhower, Leahy, etc.).


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