Monday, December 22, 2014

A Tortured Confession - Quick Addendum

Hoess's confession went on to say that they had crammed up to 4,000 Jews into the gas chamber at a time (an absurdity in that I've seen the room on Youtube), dropped Zyklon B cyanide tablets into the room from four holes in the ceiling (holes that even the curator of Auschwitz has now admitted were created after the fact - I refer to David Cole's documentary), and had commandos IMMEDIATELY enter the room to take the bodies (without a mask, without gloves, and with some of the folks actually eating and smoking) to the oven room. This, folks, is what Rudolf Hoess testified to the prosecutors at Nuremberg and they all believed it....Maybe they should have sent him to Guantanamo...via a time machine.......................................................................................P.S. And even if these commandos HAD been wearing masks, it still wouldn't have protected them in that the accelerated breathing involved in lifting human bodies would have easily overpowered the protection and left them quite vulnerable. That, and there weren't anywhere near enough ovens at Auschwitz to cremate thousands of bodies a day.............Now watch, somebody in France or Germany is going to read this and try and have me prosecuted. I cannot wait.


  1. So, you going for a posthumous
    pardon for the gent?

  2. He was probably a thug and there certainly isn't a need to venerate him. I just don't like the selective outrage of demonizing guys like him while celebrating the likes of FDR and Churchill.


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